Annual General Meeting
Lincoln's Inn Library Lincoln's Inn, London, United KingdomThe Annual General Meeting will take place at Lincoln’s Inn Library, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3TN, on Tuesday, 24 October 2023, at 6 p.m. No tea will be served before the meeting, but refreshments will be served afterwards.
Panel for Grant Recipients
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonMARIEKE HENDRIKSEN: Anatomy between the pages: The role of anatomical handbooks in anatomical practice, 1650–1850. This paper explores how affordable anatomy books up to octavo size were used to ‘make anatomy’ by students and medical practitioners, to perform dissections and create preparations and models of the human body in early [...]
Lecture: Rediscovering Thomas Cromwell’s lost Book of Hours
Senate House Senate House, Malet Street, London, United KingdomOwen Emmerson and Kate McCaffrey: Rediscovering Thomas Cromwell’s lost Book of Hours This talk explores the process and implications of the recent discovery of a printed Book of Hours once owned by Thomas Cromwell, and once immortalised by Hans Holbein the Younger in Cromwell’s portrait. Please note that this lecture will [...]
Lecture – Rémi Jimenes: Claude Garamont, royal type-founder?
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonThis lecture will present new facts and hypotheses on the career of Claude Garamont. It will focus on the years 1538-1544, during which Garamont was in the service of King François I. Registration is only required for online attendance. If you would like to attend in-person then join us at [...]
Virtual visit to the Cairo Genizah
OnlineOn 31 January 2024 the Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library would like to invite you to experience up close the more than 200,000 fragments of the Cairo Genizah Collection. This vast archive found in an Egyptian synagogue storeroom is one of the greatest single collections of Jewish and [...]
Lecture – Kathleen Doyle and Sarah Griffin: A catalogue of medieval concertina-fold almanacs
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonConcertina-fold almanacs are a type of folded book, defined by their distinctive structure and content relating to time. This talk describes a project to catalogue all known western medieval examples, and what their analysis as a group has revealed. Registration is only required for online attendance. If you would like [...]
Lecture – Presidential Address
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonRICHARD LINENTHAL: Printed fragments: Scholarship, collecting and the trade. This paper will focus on the increasing significance of fragments and accidental survivals in our understanding of early printed books. Registration is only required for online attendance. If you would like to attend in-person then join us at the Society of [...]
Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture – Mirjam Foot
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonTaste and discrimination: The Cerruti Collection of decorated bindings. Very few people outside Italy will have heard of Francesco Federico Cerruti, a man of great taste and discernment with an excellent eye for quality. As well as paintings, sculptures, ceramics and other objects of art, he collected decorated bindings, ranging [...]
Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture – Geoffrey Day
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonThe preservation and recycling of ‘waste’ printed sheets in the eighteenth-century book trade. ‘Waste’ printed sheets were preserved for various reasons: commercial, idealistic, and occasionally felonious. Records of such preservation illuminate many areas of the eighteenth-century book trade, from the identification of responsibility for anonymous publications to demonstrating customer expectations. [...]