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Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture – Geoffrey Day
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonThe preservation and recycling of ‘waste’ printed sheets in the eighteenth-century book trade. ‘Waste’ printed sheets were preserved for various reasons: commercial, idealistic, and occasionally felonious. Records of such preservation illuminate many areas of the eighteenth-century book trade, from the identification of responsibility for anonymous publications to demonstrating customer expectations. [...]
Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture – Mirjam Foot
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonTaste and discrimination: The Cerruti Collection of decorated bindings. Very few people outside Italy will have heard of Francesco Federico Cerruti, a man of great taste and discernment with an excellent eye for quality. As well as paintings, sculptures, ceramics and other objects of art, he collected decorated bindings, ranging [...]
Lecture – Presidential Address
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Picadilly, LondonRICHARD LINENTHAL: Printed fragments: Scholarship, collecting and the trade. This paper will focus on the increasing significance of fragments and accidental survivals in our understanding of early printed books. Registration is only required for online attendance. If you would like to attend in-person then join us at the Society of [...]