Major Grants for 2005-2006
The Society is pleased to announce that, as a result of the twelfh competition for the research grants set up with funds received towards its centenary appeal, the following awards have been made:
- £1739 to Bill Bell for a study of nineteenth-century continental tourists and their books.
- £286 to Sharon Brown for a study of selling, collecting and reading French books in eighteenth-century Scotland.
- £500 from the National Trust as the Royal Oak Award, with an additional £1338 from The Bibliographical Society, to Tania Colwell to study the Mélusine fragments at Upton House.
- £500 as the Falconer Madan Prize, in association with the Oxford Bibliographical Society, with an additional £1500 from The Bibliographical Society to Nicholas Fisher for bibliographical work on John Wilmot and Robert Whitehall.
- £1260 to Jean-François Gilmont for a bibliography of sixteenth-century French-Swiss editions.
- $1500 from the Bibliographical Society of America as the Fredson Bowers Award, with an additional £993 from The Bibliographical Society, to Carter Hailey for a description and analysis of watermarks from the hand press period.
- £1100 to John B. Hench on the internationalization of the US Book Trade, 1942-1948, the award associated with the name of Barry Bloomfield.
- £1434 to Rupert Ridgewell to work on Mozart’s Viennese music engravers, the award associated with the name of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association.