David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books

Identification of pastedowns

The following table is a revised version of Appendix IX of the printed book. It incorporates some new identifications and corrections.

The pastedowns are grouped by their binding identifications (see Appendix IV).

September 2019: A further set of identifications has been added, submitted by Dr Mark Thakkar (University of St Andrews): PDN 202, PDN 215, PDN 218, PDN 226, PDN 227, PDN 228, PDN 232, PDN 243, PDN 244, PDN 253, PDN 270, PDN 281, PDN 282, PDN 290, PDN 291, PDN 293, PDN 297.
These corrections have the flag †MT in the table below.

Details of further identifications and corrections are welcomed.
These should be sent to the author for inclusion in subsequent editions of this Appendix on the Society’s web pages.

Pages designed and implemented by David Shaw.


Pastedown image no. Item Date range Type Cat no. Shelf mark Format Date of

Oldham Panel bindings

BIB 2 / ST 37
PDN 1 Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae † Eng. s. xiiiex. MS* E28 G.5.20 1523
HE 22 / REL 5
PDN 2.1-2 Gregory IX, Decretales. Commentary on † Eng.or Fr. s. xiii/xiv. MS+ H40 N.5.13 1523
PDN 3.1-2 MS+ *A2 ZC1.5.6 1535
HM5 / HM6
PDN 4.2 MS+ L38 M.2.11 1536
PDN 4.1 Pb $$£ L38 M.2.11 1536
HM9 / HM10
PDN 5.1-5 Office book s. xvi. Pb $$ E36 D.3.7 1535
PDN 5.1,3 MS+ E36 D.3.7 1535
HM11 / HM12
PDN 6.1-6 Richard Taverner, The Garden of Wisdom 1539 Pb $$ L57 D.5.3 1539
PDN 6.4-5 Gregory IX, Decretales † s. xiii/xiv MS+ L57 D.5.3 1539
PDN 7.1-2 Honorius Augustodunensis, Elucidarius † Eng. s. xiv. MS V3 C.4.6 1526
PDN 8.1-3 Biblical concordance † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS B35 G.6.14 16° 1526
PDN 9.1-3 Breviarium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS E48 H.1.2 1527
PDN 10.1-5 Richard of St-Victor † Eng. s. xiiiin MS & ++ J2 D.4.10 1528
PDN 11.1-2 MS+ H10 C.4.9 1531
PDN 12.1-2 Psalm 37 †DS s.xvi Pb+ O7 G.5.2 1533

Oldham rolls

‘R B’ of London
PDN 13.1-3 A. Virvesius, Philippicae disputationes &c. 1542 Pb F13 G.4.9 fol. 1567
PDN 13.1 Liturgy (noted) MS+ F13 G.4.9 fol. 1567

Oldham classified rolls

AN.e(1) 559
with E.(1) 986
PDN 14.1-2 MS £ C127 A.4.21 fol. 1521
AN.f(1) 561
with D1.a(1) 593
PDN 15 Biblical concordance † Eng. s. xiv MS $$ L25 L.5.36 1518
AN.f(1) 561
with HE.b(2) 747
PDN 16.1-2 Justinian, Codex † Eng. s. xiiiex. MS T7 A.5.3 fol. 1520
PDN 17.1-4 Verses to the Virgin (in Anglo-Norman) † Eng. s. xiv MS P14 L.5.37 1514
PDN 18.1-2 Justinian, Digesta † Eng. s. xivin. MS B12 N.4.5 fol. 1529
AN.f(2) 562
with D1.a(2) 594
PDN 19A.1-2 Medica † Eng. s. xiiiex. MS C82 N.3.17 fol. 1524
PDN 19B.1-2 Boniface VIII † Eng. s. xiv1 MS C82 N.3.17 fol. 1524
AN.g(1) 563
with ornament B(3) 971
PDN 20.1-4 MS+ C1 N.5.26 1517
D1.a(1) 593
PDN 22 Justinian, Digesta † Eng. or Fr. s. xiiiex. MS C49 H.1.21 1507
D1.a(7) 597
PDN 23.1-4 Missale † Eng.xiv/xv MS+ S24 ZC2.2.5 1546
D1.e(2) 611
PDN 24.1-3 ?Mathematical † s. xiii MS+ S61 ZC1.4.9 1558
D.1.h(3) 617
PDN 25 Scriptores rerum mythicarum † Eng. s. xiv MS O10 C.1.5 1535
PDN 26.1-3, 5–8 Thomas Aquinas, In posteriorem analyticorum Aristotelis † Eng. s. xiv MS L5 C.5.7 1539
PDN 26.1-2, 4-5 Johannes Capreolus, Quaestiones in IV ll. Sententiarum, Venice, O. Scotus; GW 6032 (book II, Tractatus V. De beatitudine), leaves ee1v and ee8r †GW 1483–1484 Pb $ L5 C.5.7 1539
FC.h(2) 633 [?] – signed ‘R W’
PDN 27 Ruled squares and rectangles MS & $$ N7 N.6.6 1544
FL.a(1) 704 – by Nicholas Spierinck, Cambridge
PDN 28.1-2 Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia regum Britanniae † Eng. s. xv MS L7 H.1.6 1525
PDN 29.1-3 Justinian, Pandectae † Eng. s. xiv1 MS M16 D.3.8 1531
FL.a(3) 706 – Oxford
(= Gibson roll I) with ornament 5 (Ker, Pastedowns, Appendix no. xxxii)
PDN 30 Scholastic theology s. xv/xvi MS+ A25 Y.3.32 fol. 1517
FL.a(10) 713
PDN 31.1-4 Dun Scotus, Distinctiones † Eng. s. xiv MS & $$ E29 D.1.13-14 c.1536
PDN 32.1-4 Calendar † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS L55 D.5.2 1539
?FP.a(2) 644 – London.
A blind-tooled binding with a very worn, unidentified roll, just possibly Oldham FP.a(2) 644, though Oldham suggests a date range between 1537-40.
PDN 36.1-4 Expositio hymnorum ad usum Sarum. London: Richard Pynson, 1506 (STC 16117.5), leaves E5 and E6 [for Easter I]. †† and †GW 1506 Pb & $$ B117 C.4.8 1525
FP.a(8) 681
with HM.a(17) 786
PDN 33.1-4 Josephus, Antiquitates † Eng. s. xi MS E55 E.4.1 fol. [1551]
PDN 34.1-4 Thomas Aquinas, Catena Aurea † Eng. s. xiv MS & ++ J12 N.3.13 fol. [1551]
FP.f(6) 679
with CT o
PDN 35 Gregory IX, Decretales † s. xiii2 MS+ E18 F.2.19 1537
FP.g(1) 685
with CT.c.1
PDN 37A.1-5 Justinian, Codex † ?Ital. s. xiv1 MS S12 C.6.7 1543
PDN 37A.5 Nicolaus de Tudeschis, Super libros Decretalium. [Lyon: Johann Siber, c. 1495/1500], leaf Oo1r (GW M47963 / ISTC ip00054700). †GW s. xv Pb $$ S12 C.6.7 1543
PDN 37B.1-6 St Matthew (glossed) † ?Eng. s. xiiiin. MS S12 C.6.8 1543
PDN 37B.5 Nicolaus de Tudeschis, Super tertio Decretalium, c. De testamentis Relatum 2[Lyons: Johann Siber, 1497/98 or later], possibly ISTC ip00054500. †JG s. xv/xvi Pb $ S12 C.6.8 1543
PDN 38.1-6 Hugh of St-Victor, De laude caritatis † Eng. s. xii2 MS C64 C.3.12 1544
PDN 38.4 Zechariah (glossed) † Eng. s. xii MS+ C64 C.3.12 1544
HE.b(2) 747
PDN 40.1-4 Liber Sext † Eng. s. xiv MS E30 N.6.3 1533
PDN 41.1-6 Duns Scotus, In primo libro Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiv MS A27 D.6.12 1536
PDN 41.1 Latin-English vocabulary †DS MS $ A27 D.6.12 1536
HE.g(4) 761
with CT m.2
PDN 42.1-2[as PDN 43, PDN 44] Duns Scotus, In secundo libro Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS D12 E.3.19 fol. 1542
PDN 43.1-2 Justinian, Pandectae † ?Eng. s. xiiiex. MS D18 E.3.21 fol. 1545
PDN 43.5-6 Lectionary † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS D18 E.3.21 fol. 1545
PDN 43.3-4 Macrobius, In Somnium Scipionis expositio. Saturnalia, Venice, Nicolas Jenson, 1472 (GW M19702) †DS 1472 Pb $$ D18 E.3.21 fol. 1545
PDN 44.1-2[as PDN 42, PDN 43] Duns Scotus, In secundo libro Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS D10 E.3.16 fol. 1548
PDN 45.1-2[as PDN 42, PDN 43] Duns Scotus, In secundo libro Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS D11 E.3.17 fol. 1552
HM.d(4) 808
PDN 46.1-2 Philosophy † Eng. s. xv MS B53 H.1.38 1522
PDN 47.1-2[as PDN 48] Augustine, In Johannem † Eng. s. ximed. MS B53 H.1.39 1522
PDN 48.1-2[as PDN 47] Augustine, In Johannem † Eng. s. ximed. MS B53 H.1.40 1522
PDN 49 ?Canon Law † Eng.s. xiv/xv MS S96 Y.5.29 1537
HM.h(10) 835
PDN 51.1-2 Petrus Mosellanus, Dialogi. 8° s. xvi Pb B138 Z.2.19 fol. 1567
PDN 52.1-2 † s. xiv MS+ H2 M.1.28 fol. 1568
HM.h(28) 853
PDN 53.1-4 [as PDN 54] Augustinus de Ancona, Summa de ecclesiastica potestate † Eng. s. xvex. MS O13 C.1.6 1534
PDN 54.1-2 [as PDN 53] Augustinus de Ancona, Summa de ecclesiastica potestate † Eng. s. xvex. MS J14 D.2.6 1536
PDN 55 Rabanus Maurus, In Matthaeum † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS B127 H.1.20 1538
PDN 56.1-4 Commentary on part of Ps. 68 † Eng. s. xiii MS S15 C.6.9 1538
PDN 57.1-4 Bede, Homiliae † Eng. s. xi1 MS L63 D.5.4 1539
with CT.c.2
PDN 58.1-6 Justinian, Institutiones (commentary on) † Fr. or Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS M85 F.2.29 1542
HM.h.(29) 854
PDN 59.1-7 Justinian, Digesta † It. or Eng. s. xiv1 MS,++ J9 H.1.31 1533
PDN 59,1-2, 5-6 [?from same pb as PDN 63 & PDN 68] Johannes Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum. Venice : Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et Socii, 1481. F. b2v, middle and lower part. GW 09075 / ISTC id00381000 †GW 1481 Pb $$ J9 H.1.31 1533
PDN 60.1-5 Ambrose, Hexamaeron † Eng. s. xii2 MS S25 ZC2.1.5 1539
PDN 60.1, 3, 5 Pope Gregory IX, Decretales cum glossa. Venice : Baptista de Tortis, 26 June 1494. F.69v. GW 11489 / ISTC ig00472000 †GW 1494 Pb $$ S25 ZC2.1.5 1539
PDN 61.1-4 Ps.-Jerome, Epistolae ad Paulum et Eustachium † Eng. s. xii2 MS S18 D.2.5 1540
PDN 62A [same MS as PDN 65, PDN 66B] Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea † Eng. s. xivin. MS L49 L.6.30 1543
PDN 62B John de Bromyarde, Summa praedicantium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS L49 L.6.30 1543
with CT c.1
PDN 63.1A, 2-3 On virtues and vices, (in Anglo-Norman) [?from same pb as PDN 59 & PDN 68] † Eng. s. xiv MS S20 C.6.11 1541
PDN 63.1B Johannes Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum. Venice : Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et Socii, 1481. F. f1r, lower part. GW 09075 / ISTC id00381000 †GW 1481 Pb $$ S20 C.6.11 1541
PDN 64.1-6 Alphabetical dictionary (citing Aquinas, Summa Theologica) † Eng. s. xiv MS & ++ B83 C.6.3 1542
PDN 65.1B, 2, 3B, 4 [same MS as PDN 62A, PDN 66B] Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea † Eng. s. xivin. MS S21 D.6.8 1544
PDN 65.1A, 3A s. xvi MS(G) MS$ S21 D.6.8 1544
PDN 66A.1-2 Sermones de sanctis † Eng. s. xiv1 MS S22 D.6.9 1544
PDN 66B.1-2 [same MS as PDN 62A, PDN 65] Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea Eng. s. xivin MS $ S22 D.6.9 1544
PDN 66C.1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato: Super II. parte Infortiati. Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 30 June 1493. F. 169r. GW 03641 / ISTC ib00241600. †GW 1493 Pb $$ S22 D.6.9 1544
PDN 66C.2 Bartolus de Saxoferrato, Super II. parte Digesti novi. Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 1 April 1493. F. 95v. GW 03576 / ISTC ib00223000. †GW 1493 Pb $$ S22 D.6.9 1544
with CT q
PDN 67.1-4 English civil law † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS L6 C.5.4 1538
with CT yy
PDN 68.1-5 [?from same pb as PDN 59 & PDN 63] Canon law (commentary) † ?Eng. s. xiiiex. MS & C74 X.2.16 1541
PDN 68.1, 5 William of Ockam: Super quattuor libros Sententiarum. Lyons: Jean Trechsel, 9 & 10 November 1495. F. m2r. GW 11916 / ISTC io00015000 †GW 1495 Pb $$ C74 X.2.16 1541
PDN 68.5 Johannes Buridanus, Quaestiones super octo libros politicorum Aristotelis. F. LXXXIIr. Paris, Nicolas des Prez for Jean Petit, 1513. †GW 1513 Pb $$ C74 X.2.16 1541
MW.a(1) 857 (= Gibson roll XII) – signed ‘GK’
PDN 70.1-3
Geste’s ownership of this book uncertain.
Biblical history † Eng. s. xiv2 MS *D4 D.3.13 1548
PDN 70.1, 2 Panormitanus, In tertium decretalium librum interpretationis, lib.12 †DS ?s. xv Pb $$ *D4 D.3.13 1548
MW.c(1) 862 – London
PDN 75.1-4 ?Catholic theology s. xvi Pb &$$ Z2 I.5.5 1566
PDN 75.1,3 † Eng. s. xiv MS+ Z2 I.5.5 1566
PDN 71.1-4 Probably manorial records † Eng. s. xivin. MS+ F23 I.4.6 1566
PDN 72.1-3 Biblical concordance † Eng. or Fr. s. xiii2 MS+ N13 T.6.4 1567
PDN 72.2, 3 Gildas, De excidio Britanniae, [Antwerp], Christoffel van Ruremund, 1525 †DS 1567/68 Pb $$ N13 T.6.4 1567
PDN 73.1,2,4 Psalterium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ B29 ZC2.1.8 1568
PDN 73.1-7 Proprietates vocabulorum s. xvi Pb $$ B29 ZC2.1.8 1568
PDN 74 ?Pb/MS£ T16 D.1.4 1568
MW.c(1) 862 – London
with HE.b(5) 751
PDN 76.1-7 [from same pb as PDN 99.5-7] Paulus de Castro, Consilia et allegationes. Venice, Paganinus de Paganinis, 18 December 1489 (GW M30031), leaves H4.5 and I1.8 †GW 1489 Pb L21 E.3.5 fol. 1571
PDN 76.4, 5 Perhaps biblical † s. xii1 MS+ L21 E.3.5 fol. 1571
SW.b(3) 946
PDN 78.1-3 Scholastic philosophy † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS L64 C.2.3 1533
PDN 78.4 Filelfo, Satyrae, Venice, 1502, b6r †DS 1502 Pb $ MS(G) L64 C.2.3 1533
PDN 79.1-4 Gregory, Moralia in Job † ?Eng. s. xiii2 MS R34 D.6.7 1542
SW.b(4) 947
PDN 80.1-2 Preces † Eng. s. xi/xii MS & ++ S17 C.6.10 1541

Classified ornaments

K.(4) 1017
– Nicholas Spierinck, Cambridge
PDN 81.1-5 Ovid, Ars Amatoria † ?Eng. s. xii/ xiii MS H83 D.1.2 1506
Unidentified binding
– very worn – intersecting borders containing rose and pineapple tools
– with a lattice of four full and eight half perforations containing a worn lozenge-shaped tool (bearing some resemblance to Oldham, stamp 206)
PDN 82A French basse dances s. xv MS $$ B5 Y.2.12 fol. 1497
PDN 82B John Gower, Confessio Amantis (Caxton) 1483 Pb $$ B5 Y.2.12 fol. 1497
Unidentified binding
– a wide roll of capstan type, possibly Oldham RP.a(1)
PDN 83 MS+ P53 D.1.8 1537

Unidentified English rolls

PDN 77.1-2 Missale † Eng. s. xv MS+ P38 E.5.8 1559
PDN 69.1-2 † s. xii MS+ S67 I.7.7 1569
PDN 50.1-2 Harangue, lettre et confession de foy des eglises de Christ par les Pays Bas, “Antwerp” [= Geneva?], 1566. †DS 1566 Pb I5 A.4.8 fol. 1570
PDN 50.3-5 ?Herbal (in French) s. xvi Pb $$ I5 A.4.8 fol. 1570
with CT ss
PDN 39.1-2 † s. xiii/xiv MS+ B94 D.4.8 1544
German roll
PDN 84 Perhaps liturgical † s. xv MS+ S89 M.1.15 fol. 1543
French rolls
PDN 85.1-4 Breviary (noted) † Eng. s. xiii2 MS P23 L.5.38 1495
PDN 21.1-2 Scholastic † s. xiii MS+ A49 M.1.17 fol. 1540

Centre-piece bindings

CP 2.1
PDN 86.1-2 Compotus roll † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ H37 ZC2.7.5 1571
PDN 87 Probably manorial records † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ B63 G.6.1 1572
PDN 88 MS + C62 C.7.4 1573
PDN 89.1-2 MS+ E10 D.4.9 1573

Centre-tool bindings

[excluding those in combination with roll bindings which are listed above under Oldham rolls]

CT a
PDN 90.1-4 Latin dictionary s. xvi Pb $$ ++ C44 K.2.26 1564
PDN 90.3 MS+ ** C44 K.2.26 1564
PDN 91.1-6 [from same pb as PDN 98.1-2] Alexander Anglus, Destructorium vitiorum, Cologne: H. Quentell, 6 May 1480 (GW 00865) †GW 1480 Pb $$ ++ G2 C.3.11 1564
PDN 91.3, 6 MS+ ** G2 C.3.11 1564
PDN 92.1-6 [from same pb as PDN 99 and PDN 104] Johannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio, Commentaria super Decreto, Pavia : Leonardus Gerla, 12 Mar. 1497 (i3 recto and verso; GW M39954) †GW 1497 Pb $$ H30 C.4.11 1569
PDN 93.1-7 Christopher Langton, A uery brefe treatise, ordrely declaring the principal partes of phisick, London, Edward Whitchurch, 1547; leaves D3–6; STC 15205 †DS 1547 Pb $$ A50 ZC1.4.13 16° 1570
PDN 93.1-2, 4-5 Theological † Eng. s. xiv MS+ A50 ZC1.4.13 16° 1570
PDN 94.1-4 Erasmus, Colloquia, Antwerp, 1563 1563 Pb $$ MS+ ** C36 K.2.13 1570
PDN 95 MS+ ** C36 K.2.14 1570
PDN 96.1-2 MS+ ** H98 ZC2.1.6 1570
PDN 97.1-7 Johannes Herolt, Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de sanctis, Nuremberg, Anton Kogerger, 24 December 1486 (GW 12360) †DS †GW 1486 Pb, $$,++ L30 I.8.3 1570
PDN 97.4,7 MS+ ** L30 I.8.3 1570
PDN 98.1-2 Petrus Lombardus, Sententiarum libri IV. Basel: Nikolaus Kessler (VD16 P 1870), leaves s5r and s6v †GW 1507 Pb P34 E.5.1 1570
PDN 98.3–4 [from same pb as PDN 91] Alexander Anglus, Destructorium vitiorum, Cologne: H. Quentell, 6 May 1480 (GW 00865; leaf A1 recto and verso) †GW 1480 Pb P34 E.5.1 1570
PDN 99.1-4 [from same pb as PDN 92.1-6 and PDN 104] Johannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio, Commentaria super Decreto, Pavia : Leonardus Gerla, 12 Mar. 1497 (m6 recto and verso; GW M39954) †GW 1497 Pb $$ B58 G.6.6 1571
PDN 99.5-7 [from same pb as PDN 76.1-7] Paulus de Castro, Consilia et allegationes, Venice: Paganinus de Paganinis, 18 Dec. 1489 (H8 recto and verso; GW M30031) †GW 1489 Pb $$ B58 G.6.6 1571
PDN 99.1, 4, 5 MS+ ** B58 G.6.6 1571
PDN 100.1-4 Jacques Lefevre d’Etaples, Dialogues on Aristotle’s Physics (in Philosophiae naturalis paraphrases) [not ISTC if00012000 (Paris, Higman, 1492); probably one of several 16th-century Parisian editions] †JG s. xvi Pb $$ ++ C43 H.1.7 1571
PDN 100.1-2, 4 MS+ ** C43 H.1.7 1571
PDN 101.1-6
Same pb as PDN103
Jerome, Epistolae, Lyon, Jacques Sacon, 1508 †DS 1508 Pb $$ ++ H62 G.5.15 1571
PDN 101.1, 3, 4, 6 MS+ ** H62 G.5.15 1571
PDN 102.1-6 Johannes Balbus, Catholicon †DS ?s. xvi Pb $$,++ P41 ZC1.4.5 1571
PDN 102.1, 6 MS+ ** P41 ZC1.4.5 1571
PDN 103.1-8
Same pb as PDN101
Jerome, Epistolae, Lyon, Jacques Sacon, 1508 †DS 1508 Pb $$, ++ W46 ZC2.7.8 1571
PDN 103.1, 4, 5, 8 MS+ ** W46 ZC2.7.8 1571
PDN 104.1-6 [from same pb as PDN 92.1-6 and PDN 99] Johannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio, Commentaria super Decreto, Pavia : Leonardus Gerla, 12 Mar. 1497 (i4 recto and verso; GW M39954) †GW 1497 Pb $$ H49 ZC1.4.3 1572
PDN 104.1, 3-6 MS+ ** H49 ZC1.4.3 1572
PDN 105.1-4 Corpus juris canonici: Decretum Gratiani †DS ?s. xv Pb $$ O25 I.2.10 1572
PDN 105.2-3 Evangelia (‘Canones evangeliorum’) † Eng. s. ximed. MS+ O25 I.2.10 1572
CT b
PDN 106.1-6 Vitae sanctorum † Eng. s. xiv1 MS+ MS(G)$$ B96 D.3.2 1547
PDN 106.1, 2, 3, Roman law: ?Corpus iuris civilis †DS s. xv Pb $$ B96 D.3.2 1547
PDN 107.1-2 ?Prayers † s. xv MS+ R15 ZC2.2.2 1557
PDN 108.1-3 Psalterium † Eng. s. xiv MS + V31 D.5.12 1558
PDN 109.1-2 Cosmography † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS+ H96 N.6.16 1559
PDN 114.1-4 Antiphoner (feast of Saint Thomas Becket) † Eng. s. xiii MS+ C4 D.1.9 1564
PDN 110.1-3 Scholastic (apparently Aristotle, Categoriae) † Eng. or Fr. s. xiii MS+, ++ B7 A.6.22 1560
PDN 111 MS+ ** H1 ZC2.2.7 1561
PDN 112.1-2 MS+ ** H48 ZC2.2.8 1561
PDN 113.1 Indulgence ?s. xvi Pb+ S64 R.6.46 1546
PDN 113.2 Thomas Gylbert letter 1561 MS ++ S64 R.6.46 [1561]
PDN 115.2-3 † Eng. s. xiii1 MS+ S41 ZC2.1.7 1565
PDN 115.1, 4 MS+ ** S41 ZC2.1.7 1565
PDN 116.1-4 Fasciculus morum † Eng. s. xv MS+ W27 D.5.10 1565
PDN 116.2, 4 MS+ ** W27 D.5.10 1565
PDN 117.1-4 [same MS as PDN 123] Accounts (probably a Compotus roll) † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+, ++ F10 ZC2.1.4 1566
PDN 118 MS+ H19 C.3.3 1566
PDN 119 MS+ H20 C.3.4 1566
PDN 120.1-3 Breviarium † Eng. s. xiv MS+ H91 Z.4.23 1566
PDN 121.1-3 Justinian, Codex † Eng. or Fr. s. xiii MS+ V24 Z.5.109 1566
PDN 122 ?Accounts † Eng. s. xiv MS+ W18 C.4.4 1566
PDN 123.1-2 [same MS as PDN 117] Accounts (probably a Compotus roll) † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ W23 K.2.15 1566
PDN 125.1-3 Hilarius Pictaviensis, De Trinitate † Eng. s. xii2 MS+ C110 ZC2.2.10 1567
PDN 126.1-2 Liturgy † ?s. xiv MS+ F22 K.2.17 1567
PDN 127.1-2, 5-6, 9 [probably from same MS as PDN 129] Breviarium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ M74 ZC1.4.8 1567
PDN 127.1-4 Office of the Visitation of the BVM s. xvi Pb $$ M74 ZC1.4.8 1567
PDN 127.5-9 ?Lutheran theology s. xvi Pb $$ M74 ZC1.4.8 1567
PDN 128 Scholastic † Eng. or Fr. MS+ s. xiiiex. P8 ZC1.5.4 1567
PDN 129.1-2 [probably from same MS as PDN 127] Breviarium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ R11 I.1.5 1567
PDN 130.1-5 Sermones Augustini † Eng. s. xii2 MS+ R38 H.1.9 1567
PDN 131.1-3 Gregory I, Moralia in Job † ?Eng. s. xii1 MS+ S44 G.6.2 1567
PDN 131.1 +** S44 G.6.2 1567
PDN 132.1-2 MS+ ** S49 ZC1.4.2 1567
PDN 133.1-3 ?Psalter † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ L47 A.6.26 1568
PDN 134.1-4 Calvin, Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis, adiuncto seorsum Johanne, Geneva, R. Estienne, 1555 or 1560 s.xvi Pb $$ R10 I.1.6 1568
PDN 134.2-3 Scholastic † s. xiii MS+ R10 I.1.6 1568
CT b.1
PDN 135.1-3 Psalterium † Eng. s. xiii MS+, ++ W1 K.2.16 1568
PDN 135.1 MS+ ** W1 K.2.16 1568
CT c.1
PDN 135A.3, 4, 6-9 Alphabetical dictionary † ?Eng. s. xiv MS E38 ZC1.4.6 1530
PDN 135A.2, 5, 6 Scholastic (?Aquinas) †DS s. xv Pb $$ E38 ZC1.4.6 1530
PDN 136.2-5 [perhaps same MS as PDN 210 and PDN212] Canon law (?commentary on the Decretals of Boniface VIII) † Eng. s. xiv1 MS E33 I.3.8 1532
PDN 136.1 Glossary of canon law terms s. xv/xvi Pb $$ E33 I.3.8 1532
PDN 136.4-5 MS $ E33 I.3.8 1532
PDN 137.1-4 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiii2 MS S14 G.5.14 c.1540
PDN 137.1,4 ?Canon law, with commentary s. xv/xvi Pb $$ S14 G.5.14 c.1540
PDN 138.1-2 Augustine, Contra adversarium legis et prophetarum † ?Eng. s. xiii2 MS A43 C.2.13 1543
PDN 139 MS £ B38 C.4.14 1544
PDN 140.1-2 Gregory IX, Decretales † Ital. s. xiii/xiv MS V39 N.6.5 1544
PDN 140.3 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † ?Eng. s. xiii2 MS V39 N.6.5 1544
PDN 140.1 Commentary on the Psalms (Psalm 33) †DS s. xv/xvi Pb $$ V39 N.6.5 1544
PDN 141.1-4 Justinian, Pandectae † Ital. s. xiiex. MS L60 D.5.1 1545
PDN 141.1, 4 Scholastic theology s. xv/xvi Pb $$ L60 D.5.1 1545
PDN 142.2-5 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS A5 D.5.6 1545
PDN 142.1, 5 ?Scholastic philosophy s. xv/xvi Pb $$ A5 D.5.6 1545
PDN 143A.1-2 Augustine, Enarrationes in Psalmos † ?Eng. s. xv MS D6 G.5.4 1545
PDN 143B.1-2 Gregory, Dialogi † Eng. s. xii MS D6 G.5.4 1545
PDN 144 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † ?Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS R23 H.1.8 1545
PDN 144 s. xv/xvi Pb $$ R23 H.1.8 1545
PDN 145.2-3, 8A, 9, 10B[same MS as PDN 149] Petrus Riga, Aurora † ? Eng. s. xiii MS A55 C.4.2 1546
PDN 145. 1-2, 10A Office book s. xvi Pb $$ A55 C.4.2 1546
PDN 145.4-7 s. xvi MS(G) $$ A55 C.4.2 1546
PDN 146.1-4 Thomas Aquinas, Sententia libri Ethicorum † Eng. or Fr.. s. xiiiex. MS ++ G29 F.2.10 1546
PDN 147.1, 3-7 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS M20 D.2.8 1546
PDN 147.2, 5-6 Scholastic ?philosophy s. xv/xvi Pb $$ M20 D.2.8 1546
PDN 148.1-2 William of Auvergne, De virtutibus † ?Eng. s. xiv1 MS B88 C.6.4 1548
PDN 149.2-5[same MS as PDN 145] Petrus Riga, Aurora † ?Eng. s. xiii MS C11 ZC1.4.7 1548
PDN 149. 1, 3, 6 Service book s. xv Pb $$ C11 ZC1.4.7 1548
PDN 150.1-4 Canon law † ?Eng. s. xiv MS H42 O.1.25 1548
CT d.1
PDN 151.1-4 Astrology? † Eng. s. xiii MS+ ++ L70 ZC1.4. 10 1556
PDN 152.1-3 ?Biblical † s. xii MS+ B92 K.2.11 1558
PDN 153 Scientific (?physics) † s. xiiex. MS+ C70 D.6.2 1558
CT e
PDN 154.1-2 Bonaventura, Comm. in libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi † ?Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS+ ++ M76 D.1.7 1573
PDN 155.1-2 Accounts (?a Compotus roll) † Eng. s. xiv1 MS+ ++ M77 G.5.6 1574
PDN 156.1-3 Obit book of Hyde Abbey, Winchester † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ Z5 ZC1.4.4 1575
PDN 157.1-2 Missale † Eng. s. xiv2 MS+ W20 C.4.5 1576
PDN 157.3 ?Accounts MS+ W20 C.4.5 1576
CT f
PDN 158.3A, 5 Concordance or dictionary † Eng. s. xiii2 MS+ B37 G.6.7 16° 1552
PDN 158.1, 2, 3B Theology (Eng.), anti-catholic Eng. s. xvi Pb $$ B37 G.6.7 16° 1552
PDN 158.4-5 s. xvi MS(G)$$ B37 G.6.7 16° 1552
CT h.1
PDN 159 Calvin, Catechismus ecclesiae Genevensis, Geneva, 1550 †DS 1550 Pb $$ A54 A.6.17 1560
CT h.2
PDN 160.1-4 Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea † ?Eng. s. xiiiex. MS+ W39 G.5.12 1562
CT j
PDN 161.1-2 MS+ ** G5 ZC2.7. 13 1549
CT k
PDN 162.1-3 † s. xiv/xv MS+ F34 H.1.4 1557
PDN 163 Liturgy † s. xv MS+ S73 H.1.3 1566
CT m.1
PDN 164.1-7 ?Theological dictionary ?s. xv Pb $$, ++ C120 M.2.29 1548
PDN 164.5, 7-8 Liturgy (noted) † Eng. s. xiv MS+ C120 M.2.29 1548
PDN 164.1 Blank strip, ?part of the Liturgy above. MS** C120 M.2.29 1548
PDN 164.1, 7-8 Service book s. xvi Pb $$ C120 M.2.29 1548
PDN 165.1-2 Liturgy (noted) † Eng. s. xv MS+ B90 M.2.25 1552
PDN 166.1, 2, 4, 6A Vulgate Bible s. xvi Pb & $$ L43 D.3.3 1552
PDN 166.3, 6B, 7 Roman law s. xvi Pb $$ L43 D.3.3 1552
PDN 166.1, 6A, 7 Liturgy (noted) † Eng. s. xv MS+ L43 D.3.3 1552
CT m.2 with HE.g(4) 761
PDN 167.3-4 Missal † Eng. s. xv MS D21 N.4.2 fol. 1540
PDN 167.1-2 s. xvi Pb£ D21 N.4.2 fol. 1540
CT n
PDN 168.1-2 † s. xiii MS+ M32 C.6.12 1560
CT r
PDN 171.1-4[same MS as PDN 143B] Gregory, Dialogi † Eng. s. xii MS C114 D.4.4 1546
CT t
PDN 172.1-6 Medicine † Eng. s. xii1 MS+, ++ V38 Z.5.121 1555
PDN 173.2-3 Priscianus, Grammatica † Eng. s. xii MS+ B120 G.6.3 1561
PDN 173.1-5[also used in PDN 292] Martin Bucer, Deux livres du Royaume de Christ, [Lausanne], 1558 †DS 1558 Pb $$ B120 G.6.3 1561
CT v
PDN 174 MS+ ** O17 D.5.8 1552
PDN 175.1-3 Calvin, Disputatio de cognitione hominis, Geneva, 1552 †DS 1552 Pb & $$ S39 D.3.10 1561
PDN 175.1, 3 † s. xv MS+ S39 D.3.10 1561
PDN 176 ?Pb £ S39 D.3.11 1561
CT x
PDN 177.1-2 St John (glossed) † ? Eng. or Fr. s. xii/xiii MS B108 I.4.4 1549
PDN 178.1-4 Petrus Comestor, Historia ecclesiastica † Eng. s. xiiex. MS V16 N.6.8 1552
CT y
PDN 179A ?Canon law † Eng. s. xiv MS L18 H.2.12 1537
PDN 179B Justinian, Digesta † It. s. xiii MS & ++ L18 H.2.12 1537
CT z
PDN 180.1-2 Gratian, Decretum † ?Eng. s. xiii1 MS W50 I.7.6 1542
CT bb.1
PDN 181.1-3 Joannes Sulpitius, ‘De syllabarum quantitate’ in : De arte grammatica. Quinta recognitio, ed. J. Badius, Parisian edition? †DS s. xvi Pb & $$ O22 B.6.16 1564
CT bb.2
PDN 182.1-5 J. Calvin, Homiliae sive conciones VII, Geneva †DS 1556 Pb & $$ V5 I.4.2 1563
PDN 182.3 MS+ ** V5 I.4.2 1563
CT dd
PDN 183.1-2 Liturgy † s. xv MS + P12 M.2.26 1569
CT ee
PDN 184.1-3 Justinian, Pandectae † ?Eng.s. xiii2 MS O4 C.1.4 1544
PDN 184.4B, 5 [same MS as PDN 185] Grandes Chroniques de France † Fr. s. xiv/xv MS O4 C.1.4 1544
PDN 184.4A s. xvi Pb$ O4 C.1.4 1544
PDN 185.2-4 [same MS as PDN 184] Grandes Chroniques de France † Fr. s. xiv/xv MS S80 ZC2.2.9 1544
PDN 185.5, 6A Astronomical MS † Eng. s. xiii2 MS & ++ S80 ZC2.2.9 1544
PDN 185.1, 2, 6B Avilés, Francisco de, ‘Proœmium’ in Nova diligens, ac perutilis expositio capitum, seu legum praetorum, ac iudicum syndicatus regni totius Hispaniae. ?Medina del Campo, 1557? †DS 1557? Pb $$ S80 ZC2.2.9 1544
CT ff.1
PDN 186.1-3 Jerome, ‘In canti. cantico. prefatio’, in: Origen, Opera †DS s. xvi Pb W28 D.2.10 1571
CT ff.2
PDN 187.1, 4 ,5 MS+ ** C32 C.2.4 1571
PDN 187.1-6 Jerome, Epistolae (‘Ep. LVIII’, Interpretatio locorum Hebraicorum) †DS s. xvi Pb & $$ C32 C.2.4 1571
CT hh
PDN 188.1 Psalterium † s. xiv1 MS+ A51 ZC2.7.1 1575
PDN 188.2 MS+* A51 ZC2.7.1 1575
CT kk
PDN 189.1-4 Simon Grynaeus, Novus Orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum, Paris, 1532 †DS 1532 Pb $$ E59 A.6.25 1556
PDN 189.1, 3 Psalterium † s. xiii MS+ E59 A.6.25 1556
CT mm
PDN 190.1-2 Archival † s. xvi MS+,& ++ R9 B.5.10 1570
CT nn
PDN 191 ?Liturgical † ?s. xiv MS+ L82 M.2.43 1556
CT pp
PDN 192.1-2 [same MS as PDN 193] Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum † ?Eng. s. xv MS+ R12 X.2.17 1541
PDN 193.2A, 3 [same MS as PDN 192] Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum † ?Eng. s. xv MS+ R12 X.2.18 1541
PDN 193.1, 2B MS index Eng. s. xvi MS(G) R12 X.2.18 1541
CT rr
PDN 194 ?Grammar † s. xiii/ xiv MS+ M83 F.2.8 1557
CT vv
PDN 195.1-3 Petrus Comestor, Historia Scholastica † Eng. s. xii/ xiii MS+ M19 Y.5.19 1557
CT zz
PDN 294 Archival † Fr. s. xvi MS+ *A11 K.3.19 16° 1558 [1572]
CT aaa
PDN 170.1-7 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica † Eng. s. xivin. MS & ++ C37 D.4.3 1536
PDN 170.1, 2, 6 ?Canon law s. xvi Pb $$ C37 D.4.3 1536

Corner ornaments

CS 1
PDN 196.1-2 Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente, London, E. Whitchurch, 1548 (STC 2854.3) †DS 1548 Pb S75 D.3.4 1547
PDN 197.1-2 ?Canon law, ‘De haereticis’ ?s. xvi Pb S76 D.3.5 1548
CS 3
PDN 198 Liturgy † ?s. xiv MS+ O8 C.1.9 1534
Plain calf – PL a.
PDN 257.1-2 Philosophy † ?s. xiv MS L4 C.5.6 1525
PDN 260.1-3 Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago Mundi † Eng. s. xiv MS & ++ S31 ZC2.1.1 1525
PDN 264.1, 3 Biblia (Jeremiah) † Eng. s. xiiimed. MS M14 N.6.4 1540
PDN 264.1-2 Gospels ?s. xvi Pb $$ M14 N.6.4 1540
PDN 265.1-4 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † Eng. s. xiii/s. xiv MS S19 D.2.4 1540
PDN 266.1-5 Philosophy † Eng. s. xiv MS B107 H.1.5 1543
PDN 266.1-4 ?Canon law ?s. xv/xvi Pb $$ B107 H.1.5 1543
PDN 268.1-4 Henricus Hostiensis, Summa aurea † ?Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS O5 D.2.1 1544
PDN 258.1-2, 7–8 Canon law (?commentary on the Decreta of Gregory IX) † Eng. s. xiv1 MS B50 ZC2.7.2 1545
PDN 258.3-6 St John [with verse numbers, i.e. post-1551], ?Paris, c. 1560? †DS post-1551 Pb $$ B50 ZC2.7.2 1545
PDN 269.1-4 Alphabetical dictionary † s. xiv MS P19 ZC2.7.3 1549
PDN 269.2, 4 +** P19 ZC2.7.3 1549
PDN 269.1-3 Liturgy (noted) ?s. xv Pb $$ P19 ZC2.7.3 1549
PDN 270.1, 3, 4, 5A, 6 [same MS as PDN 290] Ptolemy, Almagest, trans. Gerard of Cremona, lib. II. †MT
Eng. s. xiiiin.
MS B42 H.1.29 1550
PDN 270.5B, 7 Missal (noted) s. xvi Pb $$ B42 H.1.29 1550
PDN 274.1-5 Psalms (glossed) † Eng. s. xii2 MS W30 D.1.12 1550
PDN 274.2, 5 +** W30 D.1.12 1550
PDN 274.3-4 ?s. xvi Pb $$ W30 D.1.12 1550
PDN 275.1-4 Regula clericorum † ?Eng. s. xiv/xv MS B133 I.4.11 1551
PDN 276.1-2 Regula clericorum † Eng. s. xiv’ MS L50 C.4.3 1553
PDN 276.1 ?Canon law ?s. xv Pb $$ L50 C.4.3 1553
PDN 277.1-4 Johannes de Garlandia (attrib.), Cornutus (glossed) † Eng. s. xiv MS+ W7 ZC2.2.1 1559
PDN 278.1-3 Bernardus Clarevallensis, De consideratione † Eng.or Fr. xii/xiii MS+ P3 B.3.19 fol. 1561
PDN 279.1-2 Text in Anglo-Norman † Eng. s. xiii2 MS+ W8 C.1.13 1561
PDN 280.1-5 Johannes Sarisburiensis, Polycraticus † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+, ++ H35 ZC2.7.7 1563
PDN 280.1, 3-5 Almanac and other items, including one in Greek s. xvi Pb(2)$ H35 ZC2.7.7 1563
Plain calf – PL b.
PDN 256.1-5 Commentary on Justinian, Digesta † Eng. s. xiv MS, ++ O12 C.1.3 1524
PDN 259.1-4 ?Legal MS † s. xiv MS L52 D.2.2 1525
PDN 261.1-5 ?Herbal † ?Fr. s. xiiex. MS*, ++ V33 K.3.42 1527
PDN 262.1-5 Eberhardus Bethuniensis, Graecismus † Eng. s. xiii2 MS, ++ M49 D.6.3 1531
PDN 262.1, 3 s. xv/xvi Pb $$ M49 D.6.3 1531
PDN 263.1-5 Aristotle, Physica (translatio vetus) † Fr. or Eng. s. xiii2 MS & MS+ O3 C.1.2 1532
PDN 267.1-4 Breviarium † Eng. s. xiv MS & MS $ D23 D.5.5 1543
PDN 271.1-4 [same MS as PDN 272PDN 273] Nicholas de Lyra, Catena Aurea † ?Eng. s. xv MS C122 M.2.36 1550
PDN 272.1-5[same MS as PDN 271, PDN 273] Nicholas de Lyra, Catena Aurea † ?Eng. s. xv MS C122 M.2.37 1550
PDN 273.3-4 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae † Eng. s. xiv MS C122 M.2.38 1550
PDN 273.1-2[same MS as PDN 271 and PDN 272] Nicholas de Lyra, Catena Aurea † ?Eng. s. xv MS C122 M.2.38 1550
Parchment Covers
PDN 199.1-6 Commentarium in Epistolas Pauli [?by Gilbertus Porretanus] † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS+ & ++ D32 ZC2.3. 15 1509
PDN 200.1-2 Choirbook (hymns to the Virgin) † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS R13 K.3.46 1516
PDN 201.1-2 Gloss to a legal text, apparently civil law † ?Fr. s. xiii/xiv MS+ C39 F.2.4 1525
PDN 202.1-4 [same MS as PDN 218]
Aristotle, De caelo et mundo (with Commentarium magnum, book I, comm.67–74, and 275a24–276a6 by Averroes).
PDN 202.4 and 202.2 contain Averroes, Commentarium magnum, book I, comm. 67–70.
PDN 202.3 and 202.1 contain comm. 71–74.
Eng. s. xiv
MS P6 ZC2.3. 10 1528
PDN 203 † s. xv MS+ R16 F.2.6 1529
PDN 204.1-3 Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae † Eng. s. xiiiin. MS+ L67 E.6.29 1538
PDN 205.1-2 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum † ?Eng .s. xiiiex. MS+ M84 F.2.3 1539
PDN 205.3 Jeremiah (glossed) † Eng. s. xiiex. MS+ M84 F.2.3 1539
PDN 206.1-6 Biblia (Ezekiel). † ?Ital. s. xiii MS+ & ++ C29 F.2.5 1540
PDN 208.1-4 Commentary on law, (apparently canon law) † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS+ H59 E.6.33 1541
PDN 209.1-2 Boethius, De institutione arithmetica † Eng. s. xiiex. MS+ P29 E.5.32 1543
PDN 210.1-6 [same MS as PDN 212
and perhaps PDN 136]
Canon law † Eng. s. xiv1 MS $$ & ++ B118 ZC2.6.7 1544
PDN 211.1-4 Aristotle, Physica † Fr. or Eng. s. xiii2 MS $$ C90 ZC2.6. 17 1544
PDN 212.1-5 [same MS as PDN 210
and perhaps PDN 136]
Canon law. † Eng. s. xiv1 MS $$ K2 G.6.17 1544
PDN 213.1-6 [from same pb. as PDN 230 and PDN 234] Calvin, Homiliae quatuor, Geneva, 1553 (leaves F2,3.6,7 and G1,2.7,8) †DS 1553 Pb $$ & ++ M10 ZC2.3.12 1545
PDN 214.1-4 Bonaventura, Compendium theologicae veritatis † Eng. s. xiv MS L12 ZC2.6. 15 1545
PDN 207.1-2 Biblical concordance † ?Eng. s. xiii MS P45 ZC2.6.4 c. 1545
PDN 215.1-4 Uguccione da Pisa, Derivationes. †MT
Eng. or Fr. s. xiv
MS $$ L15 ZC2.4.1 1546
PDN 296 MS+ *D1 X.1.20 1547
PDN 220.1-2 [Apparently the same MS as PDN 224] Theology † Eng. s. xiiex. MS+ B41 E.6.23 1552
PDN 221.1-3 † s. xiv MS+ & ++ D30 ZC2.5.1 1553
PDN 295.1-6 MS(G) MS+ ** W2 O.2.46 1554
PDN 222.1-5 Alphabetical medical or scientific dictionary † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS $$ G15 ZC2.3.7 1554
PDN 223 Book-list with prices s. xvi MS $$ B54 O.1.10 1555
PDN 224.1-2 [Apparently the same MS as PDN 220] Theology † Eng. s. xiiex. MS+ L51 E.6.37 1555
PDN 225 † ?s. xiv MS+ T10 G.6.16 12° 1555
PDN 226.1-2 Glossa ordinaria on Luke, ad Lc 9:28–32. †MT
Eng. s.xiii1
MS+ M90 ZC2.4.11 1556
PDN 227.1-4 William Waterman, The Fardle of Facions (1555), translation of Johannes Böhm’s Omnium gentium mores, leges, et ritus. books 1 & 2. †MT
s. xvi
Pb $$ T2 ZC2.6.3 1556
PDN 228.1-4 Joannes Sulpitius, De versuum scansione et syllabarum quantitate. Paris?
See also PDN 181.
s. xvi
Pb $$, & ++ J5 E.6.19 12° 1558
PDN 229.1-3 Psalterium † Eng. s. xiiiin. MS $$ & ++ S83 ZC2.4.12 1558
PDN 229.4-6 Egidius de Fuscariis, Ordo Iudiciarius † ?Eng. s. xiv MS $$, & ++ S83 ZC2.4.12 1558
PDN 230.1-7 [from same pb. as PDN 213 and PDN 234] Calvin, Homiliae quatuor, Geneva, 1553 (leaves H2,3.6,7) †DS 1553 Pb $$ ++ T15 ZC2.8.2 16° 1558
PDN 231.1-3 Breviary (noted) † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+ L35 B.6.37 1559
PDN 232.1–2 Anon., Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum, Hom. xv, ad Matt. 6.16. †MT
Eng. s. xv
MS+ A35 ZC2.3.5 1560
PDN 232.3 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum, IV, dist. 29, art. 3 & 4. †MT
Eng. s. xv
MS+ A35 ZC2.3.5 1560
PDN 233.1-4 ?Commentary on Genesis † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS+, & ++ F36 G.6.22 1560
PDN 234.1, 3-4, 6 MS+ ** H68 ZC2.5.8 1560
PDN 234.1-6 [from the same pb as PDN213 and PDN230] Calvin, Homiliae quatuor, Geneva, 1553 (leaves C3.6 and E3.4) †DS 1553 Pb $$ H68 ZC2.5.8 1560
PDN 235.1-2 Bernardus Clarevallensis, Sermones † Eng. s. xii2 MS+ F35 B.6.40 c.1560
PDN 236 [Also used as a pastedown in PDN 238] Calvin, Vltima admonitio ad Ioachimum Westphalum, [Geneva], J. Crespin, 1557 †DS 1557 Pb L81 E.6.31 1562
PDN 237.1-2 Liturgy (noted) † Eng. s. xv MS+ M38 G.5.21 1562
PDN 238.1B, 6B-7 ?Psalter † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS+, & ++ N12 ZC2.8.3 12° 1562
PDN 238.1A, 2-6A [Also used as a pastedown in PDN 236] Calvin, Vltima admonitio ad Ioachimum Westphalum, [Geneva], J. Crespin, 1557 †DS 1557 Pb $$ N12 ZC2.8.3 12° 1562
PDN 239.1-2 MS** & +** M45 K.1.7 1562
PDN 240.1A, 4 † s. xvi MS+ M33 G.6.24 1563
PDN 240.1B, 2, 3, 5 Calvin, Disputatio de cognitione hominis, Geneva, 1552 †DS 1552 Pb $$ M33 G.6.24 1563
PDN 241.1 MS+ ** C45 B.6.41 1564
PDN 241.1-4 [also found in PDN242] Jerónimo Osório, De iustita, Venice, G. Zileti, 1564 (leaf K2r/v) †DS 1564 Pb $$ C45 B.6.41 1564
PDN 242.1, 8 MS+ ** H95 ZC2.5.6 1564
PDN 242.1-8 [also found in PDN241] Jerónimo Osório, De iustita, Venice, G. Zileti, 1564 (leaves V1,2.3,4) †DS 1564 Pb $$ H95 ZC2.5.6 1564
PDN 243.1-2
Gerard of Liège, De doctrina cordis, 7, De scissione cordis.
Eng. s. xivin.
MS+, &++ U1 ZC2.3. 13 1564
PDN 244 Joannes Sulpicius, Opus grammaticum, ed. Iodocus Badius Ascensius, Paris, c. 1511.. †MT
c. 1511
Pb $$ A2 ZC2.3.8 1565
PDN 244.1-4 Joannes Sulpicius, Carmen iuvenile de moribus puerorum in mensa servandis, with com. by Iodocus Badius Ascensius. †MT
c. 1511
Pb $$ A2 ZC2.3.8 1565
PDN 244.5-8 Joannes Sulpicius, Vocabulorum interpretatio. Paris, but ed. uncertain.
Similar to edition printed by Jean Barbier in 1511, as Quinta Recognitio atque additio ad Grammaticen Sulpitianam.
c. 1511
Pb $$ A2 ZC2.3.8 1565
PDN 245.1-4 Elementary Greek grammar, [with text of John 1 in Greek and Latin], Paris?, Gourmont?, c. 1515? †DS s. xvi Pb &$$ N2 E.5.28 1565
PDN 247.1-8 T. Becon, The gouernaunce of Vertue †DS ?1560 Pb $$ & ++ V25 ZC2.4. 10 1565
PDN 248.1, 2, 4 Missale † Eng. s. xv MS+, &++ *C1 O.1.17 1565
PDN 248.2A, 3, 5 s. xvi MS $$ *C1 O.1.17 1565
PDN 248.6 [Possibly from the same MS] s. xvi MS $$ *C1 O.1.17 1565
PDN 250.1-2 Psalterium † Eng. s. xiv/xv MS+, &++ *R1 O.2.37 1566
PDN 251.1-2 MS+** H77 O.2.2 1566
PDN 252.1-2 Text in Dutch † Neth. s. xv MS+ S85 O.1.13 1567
PDN 254.1-4 [Probably the same MS as PDN 255] Accounts (probably a Compotus roll) † Eng. s. xiv MS+, & ++ P35 ZC2.4.7 1573
PDN 255.1-4 [Probably the same MS as PDN 254] Accounts (probably a Compotus roll) † Eng. s. xiv MS+, &++ P35 ZC2.4.8 1573
Items wrapped in parchment or paper MS
PDN 200A.1-5 Egidius Romanus, De regimine principum † Eng. s. xiii/xiv MS^ O21 ZC2.4. 16 c.1527
PDN 216.1-4 St Matthew( glossed) † Eng. s. xii/xiii MS^ S77 G.6.23 1546
PDN 217.1-3 Henricus de Gandavo, Quodlibet † Eng. s. xiv MS^ W43 G.6.21 1546
PDN 218.1-4 [same MS as PDN 202] Constitutiones Clementinae, (with Glossa ordinaria, book 1, title 3, chapters 4–5). †MT Eng. s. xiv MS^ F17 ZC2.4. 15 1549
PDN 219A.1-3 Gradual † Eng. s. xv MS^ C105 ZC2.6.2 1551
PDN 219B.1-3 Petrus Lombardus, Collectanea in Psalmos † Eng. s. xiiex. C105 ZC2.6.2 1551
PDN 246.1-3 s. xvi MS (G)^^ R6 O.2.41 1565
PDN 249.1-6 Missal † Eng. s. xv MS^ D1 ZC2.3.4 1566
Disbound item
PDN 253.1-4 Decretum Gratiani, Part II, Causa 16, questio 7, with s.xiii Glossa ordinaria,
Strassburg : [Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger], 4 Sept. 1489 (GW 11373, ISTC ig00380000), sig.v4r-v.
Pb $$ *H4 ZC2.6.1 1572
PDN 253.4 MS+ ** *H4 ZC2.6.1 1572
Rebound items – original bindings unknown
PDN 281 Etymological vocabulary with French glosses. This fragment, which covers third-declension nouns ending in -is, contains two such glosses: “caulis[chou” and “Lapis[pierre”.

Probably printed in Paris in the early 16th century.
† MT
† DS
Pb V37 L.6.1 1505
PDN 282.1-2 ‘Sermo lxxvi’ on Mathew 5. † MT
s. xv
Pb $$ S94 L.4.12 fol. 1522
PDN 283.1-5 Breviary † Eng. s. xii2 MS $$ L78 ZC2.7. 11 c.1523
PDN 284.1-2 s. xvi MS(G)$$ T13 C.5.14 1532
PDN 285 s. xvi MS(G)$$ B51 H.2.5 c.1533
PDN 286.1-3 S. Orichovius, Annales (Danzig, 1643) †DS 1643 Pb & ++ *R4 H.1.30 1545
PDN 297.1-4
Canon law – a thematic index to a corpus of canon law, containing the Decretum Gratiani and either the Liber Extra or some other collection of extravagantes.
PDN 297.4, 3 contain humilitas to ieiunium.
PDN 297.2, 1 contain ignis to immunitas.
?Fr. s.xiv
MS C11 ZC1.2. 15 1545
PDN 287.1-7 Antiphoner † Eng. s. xv MS & ++ G26 L.4.16 fol. 1549
PDN 288.1-4 Breviary † Eng. s. xiv MS $$ *S10 ZC2.6. 20 1549
PDN 289.1-2 Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea † Eng. s. xivin. MS B36 G.6.8 16° c.1550
PDN 289.3 s. xvi MS(G)$$ B36 G.6.8 16° c.1550
PDN 290.1-3[same MS as PDN 270] Ptolemy, Almagest, trans. Gerard of Cremona, lib. II. †MT
Eng. s. xiiiin.
MS & ++ M41 ZC2.8. 10 1550
PDN 291.1A, 3A Giovanni d’Andrea. Novella in titulum De regulis iuris [or, Questiones Mercuriales], possibly in one of the 16th-cent. Italian editions with annotations of Niccolò Soranzo. †MT
s. xvi
Pb *V3 B.3.20 fol. 1557
PDN 291.1B, 2B, 3B Justinian, Codex † Eng. or Fr. s. xiiex MS+ *V3 B.3.20 fol. 1557
PDN 292.1-2 [also used in PDN 173] Bucer, Du Royaume de Christ, [Lausanne], 1558 †DS 1558 Pb $$ B103 G.4.20 fol. 1562
PDN 293 Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum, IV, dist. 25, quest. 1, art.2 – Utrum haeretici et ab Ecclesia praecisi possint ordines conferre. † †MT
s. xiii/ xiv
MS+ E13 B.6.42 1569