David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 43
PDN043-1 |
PDN043-2 |
PDN 43.3-4 | ||||||
Macrobius, In Somnium Scipionis expositio. Saturnalia, Venice, Nicolas Jenson, 1472 (GW M19702) | †DS 1472 | Pb $$ | D18 | E.3.21 | fol. | 1545 |
PDN043-3 |
PDN043-4 |
PDN 43.5-6 | Lectionary | †Eng. s. xii/xiii | MS | D18 | E.3.21 | fol. | 1545 |
PDN043-5 |
PDN043-6 |
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