David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 185
PDN 185.2-4 [same MS as PDN 184] |
Grandes Chroniques de France | † Fr. s. xiv/xv | MS | S80 | ZC2.2.9 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN185-2 |
PDN185-3 |
PDN185-4 |
PDN 185.5, 6A | Astronomical MS | † Eng. s. xiii2 | MS & ++ | S80 | ZC2.2.9 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN185-5 |
PDN185-6A |
PDN 185.1, 2, 6B | Avilés, Francisco de, ‘Proœmium’ in Nova diligens, ac perutilis expositio capitum, seu legum praetorum, ac iudicum syndicatus regni totius Hispaniae. ?Medina del Campo, 1557? | †DS 1557? | Pb $$ | S80 | ZC2.2.9 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN185-1 |
PDN185-2 |
PDN185-6B |
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