News 2011

Gold Medal Award

The Society’s Gold Medal will be awarded to Dr. Paul Needham at the meeting on 15 November 2011 at 6.00.

Research Excellence Framework

Individuals and institutions seeking information about the Bibliographical Society in relation to the ‘impact’ agenda of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) are advised that the Society is committed to recording and making available tangible data for submissions. These include the availability of The Library in print and online through OUP; the availability of separate publications in print and (selectively) online. The Society also collects information about audience size and composition at its meetings; website consultation; use of the Society’s library and of its archive; material relating to its Fellowships and Bursaries programme.

Individuals and institutions requiring further information should write in the first place to the Society’s administrator, Dr. Conor Wyer: window for sending email.


Anchoring Biodiversity Information: From Sherborn to the 21st century and beyond

Friday October 28th 2011, Flett Theatre, The Natural History Museum, London, UK (JPEG Poster)

Overview : Charles Davies Sherborn provided the bibliographic foundation for current zoological nomenclature with his magnum opus Index Animalium . In the 43 years he spent working on this extraordinary resource, he anchored our understanding of animal diversity through the published scientific record. No work has equalled it since and it is still in current, and critical, use.

Until now, Sherborn’s contribution has been recognised by professional taxonomists worldwide but he has escaped the celebration of his accomplishment that is his due. We will hold a symposium in his honour in the 150th year of his birth here at the NHM, with an international panel of experts on bibliography and biodiversity bioinformatics, linking a view of the past with an active debate on the future of the related fields.

Provisional schedule of speakers and registration form can be found at: opens link to external website

Please send your registration to: opens window for sending email

Note, a recent article in the Telegraph and the NHM house journal evolve begins the celebration of Sherborn in this anniversary year: opens link to external website

Book Fair

The 2011 York National Book Fair (PBFA)

9-10 September 2011
Knavesmire Suite, York Racecourse, York, U.K.

All members of the Bibliographical Society are invited to this year's York National Book fair - the largest ever, with nearly 220 leading booksellers from the UK, as well as overseas. There are also bookbinders, paper restorers, printers, and book packagers at the Fair.

The website is now updated and open for business, with full details, highlight items, and complimentary tickets.

Please visit the site at  link to external website

Free tickets are also available here:  link to external website

New additions and corrections to French Renaissance Printing Types: a Conspectus.


'William James Linton: Chartist, Poet and engraver'opens link to external website
Speaker: Professor Ian Haywood WLRI
Lunchtime Seminar Friday 25th March at 12:30 at Jewry Street JS1-41

Ian Haywood will talk about Linton's Unique Place within the 19th Century radical tradition and the importance of remembering and understanding his contribution to the democratisation of the art and literature.

Ian Haywood is Professor of English at Roehampton University, London. He works mainly on radicalism, literature and popular visual culture in the romantic and early Victorian periods. His last two books were ' Bloody Romanticism' (2006) and ' The Revolution ain Popular Literature' ( 2004); he also edited 3 volumes of Chartist fiction for Ashgate.

Peter Forsskal Symposium and Reception

The Swedish and Finnish Embassies in London are holding a symposium and reception, on Thursday 7th April 2011, from 1730 – 1930, to celebrate the life of Peter Forsskal, advocate of freedom of expression, access to information and progress through increasing scientific knowledge. Author of “Thoughts on Civil Liberty” – which has just been translated for the first-time ever into English – as well as noted disciple of Carl von Linnaeus, Forsskal visited Egypt and Yemen 250 years ago on an expedition organised by the King of Denmark. For “Thoughts on Civil Liberty” see opens link to external website.

If you wish to attend, and to comply with Embassy protocol, please email David Gold bergopens window for sending email as soon as possible, giving your name and postal address. A formal hardcopy invitation will then be sent to you.

Call for nominations


From time to time the Society awards a Gold Medal for distinguished services to bibliography to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of the subject and the furtherance of the Society’s aims. Thirty-nine awards have been made since the Medal Fund was established in 1929 and recipients since 1990 have been Robin Alston, Nicolas Barker, Peter Davison, Bernhard Fabian, Lotte Hellinga, Anthony Hobson, Don McKenzie, David McKitterick, Henri-Jean Martin, Dennis Rhodes and Andrew Watson. A full list of all Medallists will be found on the Gold Medallists page.

A Gold Medal sub-committee will be convened in Spring 2011 to consider nominations and make recommendations to Council for the next award of a Medal or Medals. All members of the Society are invited to submit nominations, which should be accompanied by a brief but detailed supporting text outlining the achievements of the person being nominated and a short bibliography of his or her principal publications. No more than three names may be submitted by any one individual. Nominations and supporting text should be sent to: Margaret L. Ford, Hon. Secretary, The Bibliographical Society, c/o Institute of English Studies, Room 304, Senate House, Malet Street, London wc1e 7hu, or opens window for sending email, to reach her not later than 30 April 2011.